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Schaberg, K. (2017). Can sector strategies promote longer-term effects? Three-year impacts from the WorkAdvance demonstration. New York: MDRC. [Per Scholas]


  • The study's objective was to examine the impact of the WorkAdvance sectoral training program on year three employment and earnings outcomes. This profile focuses on the evaluation at the Per Scholas site. The authors investigated questions for other sites, the profiles can be found here.
  • The study used a randomized controlled trial to compare the year three outcomes of the participants that received the WorkAdvance program at the Per Scholas site and the control group that did not receive WorkAdvance services. Using New York State unemployment insurance wage data, the authors compared earnings and employment outcomes between the groups.
  • The study found that WorkAdvance participants were significantly more likely than control participants to be employed at some point during the study's third year and that their income was significantly higher.
  • The study receives a high evidence rating. This means we are confident that the estimated effects are attributable to the WorkAdvance program at the Per Scholas site, and not to other factors.

Intervention Examined


Features of the Intervention

WorkAdvance was a sectoral training program that provided education and training in high-demand fields. WorkAdvance included five components: intensive prospective participant screening; preemployment and career readiness services applicable to the target sector; sectoral occupational skills training; sectoral job development and placement services; and retention and advancement support post-employment. Per Scholas, a nonprofit in the Bronx, New York, implemented the program from 2011 to 2013 and focused on the information technology sector. The program was intended to serve unemployed workers and low-wage workers whose household income does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty level.

Features of the Study

The study used a randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of the WorkAdvance program. At the Per Scholas site, 349 participants were randomly assigned to the WorkAdvance program (treatment group) and 341 participants were assigned to the control group. Control group members did not have access to WorkAdvance but could independently seek out other employment or training services in the community. The Per Scholas sample was primarily male (87 percent) and had an average age of 31 years. Among the participants, 63 percent had attended college, and 13 percent were currently employed. Using New York State unemployment insurance wage data, the authors conducted a statistical model to compare year three earnings and employment outcomes between the treatment and control groups.


Earnings and wages.

  • The study found that treatment participants earned $4829 more than control participants in year three. This difference was statistically significant.


Considerations for Interpreting the Findings

The treatment condition largely reflected the WorkAdvance model. The authors note that full model implementation took some time, suggesting that participants enrolling later in the study period may have received services more closely aligned with the model than those received by participants enrolling early in the study period.

Causal Evidence Rating

The quality of causal evidence presented in this report is high because it is based on a well-implemented randomized controlled trial. This means we are confident that the estimated effects are attributable to the WorkAdvance program at the Per Scholas site, and not to other factors.

Additional Sources

Schaberg, K., & Greenberg, D.H. (2020). Long-term effects of a sectoral advancement strategy: Costs, benefits, and impacts from the WorkAdvance demonstration. New York: MDRC.

Reviewed by CLEAR

July 2022

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