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Gan, K., Jastrzab, J., Jefferson, A., Schneider, G., & Schlager, C. (2011). Youth Corps emerging practices for education and employment. Prepared for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates Inc.


  • This study examined emerging practices used by Youth Corps sites to enhance their participants’ educational and employment opportunities.
  • Youth Corps is a program that engages youth ages 16 to 25 in a combination of community service, workforce development, and education. It is designed to have a positive impact on both its participants and their communities.
  • The authors gathered and analyzed data from interviews with the executive directors of four Youth Corps sites, along with site visits to those sites.
  • Although the studied sites varied, the authors found that all shared a set of common principles that led to increased educational and employment opportunities for its members. These included an understanding of the local labor market in which the corps operated, in order to enhance employment opportunities, and building partnerships with outside community resources.
  • The authors provided a tool kit for youth education and employment service providers that highlights lessons learned; other practitioners can use this information, as can those interested in developing similar initiatives.

Intervention Examined

Youth Corps Programs

Reviewed by CLEAR

May 2014