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Livermore, Gina, Stapleton, David, & Roche, Allison. (2009). Work Activity and Use of Em-ployment Supports Under the Original Ticket to Work Regulations: Characteristics, Employment, and Sources of Support Among Working-Age SSI and DI Beneficiaries. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research.


  • This report presented a profile of all working-age (ages 18 to 64) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Disability Income (DI) recipients, using data from the 2004, 2005, and 2006 rounds of the National Beneficiary Survey.
  • Findings indicated that many SSI and DI recipients were working and engaging in work preparation activities, or saw themselves working in the future. But their jobs did not pay well in general, or offer much in the way of benefits. Although many recipients were working, there was a high prevalence of characteristics, circumstances, and experiences making employment difficult. Few were aware of work incentive provisions then available in SSI and DI, and many relied on means-tested public programs for which earnings could jeopardize eligibility.
  • In addition to activity limitations and poor health associated with their disabling health conditions, many recipients had limited education and experienced obstacles to employment, such as a lack of reliable transportation and inaccessible workplaces.
  • Findings indicated that only changing economic incentives inherent in the disability programs would be insufficient to bring about a successful return to work for many recipients; other supports would be needed as well.

Reviewed by CLEAR

December 2014