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Russinova, Zlatka, Rogers, E. Sally, Langer Ellison, Marsha, Bloch, Philippe, Lyass, Asya, & Wewiorski, Nancy. (2013). Predictors of financial self-sufficiency among Social Security beneficiaries with psychiatric disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 38, 49–66.


  • This study explored factors associated with the capacity of Social Security recipients with psychiatric disabilities to leave the Social Security disability rolls due to substantial gainful work activity.
  • Data were from a survey conducted from May 2004 to January 2005 as part of a subsequent study of 213 participants in an earlier intervention that offered mental health treatment and assistance in finding competitive jobs to adults with psychiatric disabilities.
  • Results suggested that people with higher occupational status, higher levels of proactive coping skills, and without medical comorbidities were more likely than other beneficiaries with psychiatric disabilities to terminate Social Security disability benefits and achieve financial self-sufficiency due to gainful employment.

Reviewed by CLEAR

December 2014