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Afterschool Alliance. (2011). STEM learning in afterschool: An analysis of impact and outcomes. Washington, DC.


  • The study presented findings from a review of after-school programs in the United States focused on improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills and increasing access to STEM careers for youth in grades K–12. The study’s objective was to identify common strategies that STEM-focused after-school programs used and summarize the programs’ results.
  • The authors collected evaluation reports of STEM-focused after-school programs through evaluation database searches and direct requests to the programs. The programs reviewed served K–12 students and implemented a wide range of programming, including robotics competitions, mentoring, internships, science experiments, and design projects. The evaluations of these programs used a variety of analytic methods, including comparison of pre- and post-program surveys, focus groups discussions, and tests; tracking of program alumni; and surveys of parents and program staff.
  • The study found that all STEM after-school programs studied reportedly had some benefit for program participants. The authors classified the observed benefits into three categories: improved attitudes toward STEM fields and careers, increased STEM knowledge and skills, and higher likelihood of graduation and pursuing a STEM career. The authors described the programs that had a positive outcome in each of those categories along with the specific results described in the program’s evaluation report.

Reviewed by CLEAR

March 2016