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Blake, R., Liou-Mark, J., & Chukuigwe, C. (2013). An effective model for enhancing underrepresented minority participation and success in geoscience undergraduate research. Journal of Geoscience Education, 61(4), 405-414.


    • This study described the implementation of the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at New York City College of Technology. This year-long program aimed to retain undergraduates in STEM disciplines and prepare them for STEM careers, especially for underrepresented minority groups, including women.
    • The authors, as directors of the REU program, described each of its components, including research, minicourses, seminars and workshops, mentoring, support and networking opportunities, and presenting at and attending conferences. Outcomes were discussed in terms of post-program experiences and achievements, as well as quotes from program participants.
    • Overall, the authors concluded that the program was successful in terms of demonstrated interest in, attendance in, or completion of a STEM graduate program; achievement in STEM publications; and attainment of STEM awards. These outcomes were complemented by five quotes from student participants who discussed how the program changed their academic lives.

Reviewed by CLEAR

May 2016