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Displaying 11 - 20 of 455 results
- Ratledge, A., O'Donoghue, R., Cullinan, D., & Camo-Biogradlija, J. (2019). A path from access to success: Interim findings from the Detroit Promise Path evaluation. MDRC.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Martin, V. & Broadus, J. (2013). Enhancing GED instruction to prepare students for college and careers: Early success in LaGuardia Community College’s Bridge to Health and Business program. New York: MDRC.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
- Selzer, A. K., Sanchez, R., Michaelides, M., Shetty, S., & Bertane, C. (2016). Arizona Sun Corridor Get Into Energy Consortium (ASC-GIEC): Third-party evaluation services for the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grant final report. Columbia, MD: IMPAQ International.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Crumpton, J. A. (2019). WIOA impacts on community college student success (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 13861007).
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Low-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
Crumpton, J. A. (2019). WIOA impacts on community college student success (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 13861007).
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Low-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
Weissman, E., Cullinan, D., Cerna, O., Safran, S., & Richman, P. (2012). Learning communities for students in developmental English: Impact studies at Merced College and the Community College of Baltimore County. New York: MDRC.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
Pacific Research and Evaluation. (2018). Final evaluation report: Trade Adjustment Assistance Community – round 4: Nevada Community College Consortium. Retrieved from
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Low-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Education and skills gains-Low-No impactsEducation and skills gains
- Employment-Low-No impactsEmployment
Weiss, M., Visher, M., & Wathington, M. (2010). Learning communities for students in developmental reading: An impact study at Hillsborough Community College. New York: MDRC.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
- Miller, C., Headlam, C., Manno, M., & Cullinan, D. (2020). Increasing community college graduation rates with a proven model: Three-year results from the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) Ohio demonstration. New York: MDRC.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
Budd, L. B. (2017). The differences in first-year retention rates for adult and traditional community college students enrolled and not enrolled in learning communities. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 10639485)
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Low-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains