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Displaying 291 - 300 of 390 results
- Anderson, T., Braga, B., Derrick-Mills, T., Dodkowitz, A., Elizabeth Peters, H., Runes, C., Winker, M., Okoli, A., & Spievack, N. (2019). New insights into the back on track model's effects on opportunity youth outcomes: Opportunity works final evaluation report. Urban Institute. [Philadelphia site]
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Anderson, T., Braga, B., Derrick-Mills, T., Dodkowitz, A., Elizabeth Peters, H., Runes, C., Winker, M., Okoli, A., & Spievack, N. (2019). New insights into the back on track model's effects on opportunity youth outcomes: Opportunity works final evaluation report. Urban Institute. [Comparison across three sites]
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Anderson, T., Braga, B., Derrick-Mills, T., Dodkowitz, A., Elizabeth Peters, H., Runes, C., Winker, M., Okoli, A., & Spievack, N. (2019). New insights into the back on track model's effects on opportunity youth outcomes: Opportunity works final evaluation report. Urban Institute. [South King County/Seattle site]
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Meckstroth, A., Burwick, A., Ponza, M., Marsh, S., Novak, T., Phillips, S., ... & Ng, J. (2006). Paths to work in rural places: Key findings and lessons from the impact evaluation of the Future Steps Rural Welfare-to-Work Program. Mathematica Policy Research. URL:
Topic Area: Low-Income Adults
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
- Bloom, D., Hendra, R., & Page, J. (2006). The employment retention and advancement project: Results from the Chicago ERA site. MDRC, October.
Topic Area: Low-Income Adults
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Bound, J., & Turner, S. (2002). Going to war and going to college: Did World War II and the G.I. Bill increase educational attainment for returning veterans? Journal of Labor Economics, 20(4), 784-815.
Topic Area: Veterans
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Education and skills gains-Low-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
- Baird, M., Engberg, J., & Gutierrez, I. (2021). Outcome mechanisms for improved employment and earnings through screened job training: Evidence from an RCT. IZA Institute of Labor Economics (IZA DP No. 14435).
Topic Area: Registered Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-No impactsEmployment
- Mamun, A., Patnaik, A., Levere, M., Livermore, G., Honeycutt, T., Kauff, J., Katz, K., McCutcheon, A., Mastrianni, J., & Gionfriddo., B. (2019). Promoting readiness of minors in SSI (PROMISE) evaluation: Interim services and impact report. Washington, DC: Mathematica. [ASPIRE]
Topic Area: Disability Employment Policy
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-No impactsPublic benefit receipt
- Theodos, B., Pergamit, M.R., Hanson, D., Edelstein, S., Daniels, R., & Srini, T. (2017). Pathways after high school: Evaluation of the Urban Alliance High School Internship Program. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.
Topic Area: Registered Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning, Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-No impactsEducation and skills gains
- Employment-Mod/high-No impactsEmployment
Heaton, P. (2012). The effects of hiring tax credits on employment of disabled veterans. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation. Occasional Paper. Retrieved from papers/2012/RAND_OP 366.pdf.
Topic Area: Veterans
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment