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Displaying 41 - 50 of 390 results
Needels, K., Corson, W., & Van Noy, M. (2002). Evaluation of the Significant Improvement Demonstration Grants for the provision of reemployment services for UI claimants. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.
Topic Area: Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Public benefits receipt-Low-No impactsPublic benefit receipt
Benus, J., Poe-Yamagata, E., Wang, Y., & Blass, E. (2008). Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Study: FY 2005 Initiative: final report. Columbia, MD: IMPAQ International. [Minnesota sample]
Topic Area: Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-No impactsEmployment
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-Favorable impactsPublic benefit receipt
Benus, J., Johnson, T., Wood, M, & Grover, N. (1994). Self-employment as a reemployment option: Demonstration results and national legislation. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper, 94(3), 1-61.
Topic Area: Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-Favorable impactsPublic benefit receipt
Corson, W., & Haimson, J. (1996). The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project: Six-year follow-up and summary report. Revised edition. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 96-2. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.
Topic Area: Job Search Assistance, Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-No impactsEmployment
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-Favorable impactsPublic benefit receipt
Anderson, P., Corson, W., & Decker, P. (1991). The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project: Follow-up report. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 91-1. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.
Topic Area: Job Search Assistance, Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-Favorable impactsPublic benefit receipt
Corson, W., Decker, P.T., Dunstan, S.M., Gordon, A.R., Anderson, P., & Homrighausen, J. (1989). The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project: Final evaluation report. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.
Topic Area: Job Search Assistance, Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-Favorable impactsPublic benefit receipt
- Buchmueller, T. C., Levy, H. G., & Valletta, R. G. (2019). Medicaid expansion and the unemployed (No. w26553). National Bureau of Economic Research
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Dickinson, K., Kreutzer, S., West, R., & Decker, P. (1999). Evaluation of Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services systems: Final report. Research and Evaluation Report Series 99-D. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration.
Topic Area: Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-No impactsEmployment
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-Favorable impactsPublic benefit receipt
Spiegelman, R., & Woodbury, S. (1987). The Illinois Unemployment Insurance Incentive Experiments. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. UpJohn Institute for Employment Research.
Topic Area: Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Public benefits receipt-Mod/high-Favorable impactsPublic benefit receipt
Vinokur, A., Price, R., Caplan, R., van Ryn, M.,& Curran, J. (1995). The Jobs I Preventive Intervention for Unemployed Individuals: Short- and long-term effects on reemployment and mental health. In L.R. Murphy, J.J. Hurrell, Jr., S.L. Sauter, & G.P. Keita (Eds.), Job Stress Interventions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (125-138).
Topic Area: Reemployment
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Earnings and wages-Low-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages