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St. Rose, A., & Hill, C. (2013). Women in community colleges: Access to success. Washington, DC: American Association of University Women.


  • The authors described two programs partnering with California community colleges—the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Community College Program (MCCP) and the CalWomen Tech Program—that aim to encourage women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The two initiatives approach this goal in different ways: MCCP prepares women to transfer from two- to four-year STEM degree programs, whereas CalWomen Tech encourages participation in non-traditional career and technical education programs in STEM, such as information technology and automotive repair.
  • MCCP offers a wide array of academic, career, and social support services, from academic tutoring and advising to a cohort-based course progression. CalWomen Tech’s promotional materials target women, such as “women in technology” websites that highlight the employment and salary opportunities available to women who choose non-traditional career paths, and skill-building or “bridge” courses that lay the groundwork for more advanced study.
  • In 2010, 38 percent of MCCP transfer students from two- to four-year degree programs were women. Of those transferring to programs in life sciences or mathematics, more than 50 percent were women.
  • After partnering with CalWomen Tech, female enrollment in City College of San Francisco’s computer networking and information technology program increased from 19 percent in 2006 to 33 percent in 2008, with persistent enrollment rates through 2010. Similarly, CalWomen Tech helped Evergreen Valley College raise female retention in its automotive technology program from 58 percent to 88 percent over the course of two years.

Reviewed by CLEAR

December 2015