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The City University of New York. (2010). Youth Transition Demonstration Project, City University of New York, Bronx, NY, Final Report. New York: City University of New York.


  • This report described the Youth Transition Demonstration project implemented by the City University of New York. The project enrolled 400 youth ages 15 to 18 in the Bronx who had disabilities and were receiving Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits.
  • The main components of the project were (1) a Saturday college program for youth and their parents, (2) provision of counseling on SSA benefits, (3) person-centered life and employment planning, (4) summer and after-school jobs, and (5) referrals to other services.
  • The report described participants’ receipt of SSA benefits, employment and education outcomes, participants’ use of benefit advisement, and agency partnerships formed to implement the project.

Reviewed by CLEAR

December 2014