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Employment and Training Services > Training and Education > Community college education and other classroom training
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Employment and Training Services > Training and Education > Community college education and other classroom training
Barnes, R., & Piland, W. (2010). Impact of learning communities in developmental English on community college student retention and persistence. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice, 12(1), 7-24.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Henderson, T. F. (2017). Impact of the Accelerate You! instructional model on student success. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Murray State University, Murray, KY.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Eyster, L., Nightingale, D.S., Barnow, B., O'Brien, C., Trutko, J. & Kuehn, D. (2010) Implementation and early training outcomes of the High Growth Job Training Initiative: Final report. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Implementation and early training outcomes of the High Growth Job Training Initiative: Final report.
Eyster, L., Nightingale, D.S., Barnow, B., O'Brien, C., Trutko, J. & Kuehn, D. (2010) Implementation and early training outcomes of the High Growth Job Training Initiative: Final report. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Kolenovic, Z., Linderman, D., & Karp, M. (2013). Improving student outcomes via comprehensive supports: Three-year outcomes from CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP). Community College Review, 41(4), 271-291.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Costello, C. (2012). Increasing opportunities for low-income women and student parents in science, technology, engineering, and math at community colleges. Washington, DC: Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
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Topic Area: Registered Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Hahs-Vaughn, D. L., Swan, B., & Clark, M. H. (2019). Information technology career preparation for rural areas. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-13.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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- Education and skills gains-Low-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
- Employment-Low-No impactsEmployment
Weisburst, E., Daughetry, L., Miller, T., Martorell, P., & Coisairt, J. (2017). Innovative pathways through developmental education and postsecondary success: An examination of developmental math interventions across Texas. The Journal of Higher Education, 88(2), 183-209. doi: 10.1080/00221546.2016.1243956
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains