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Displaying 11 - 20 of 28 results
Smith, R (1979). The Impact of OSHA Inspections on Manufacturing Injury Rates. Journal of Human Resources, 14(2), 145-170.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Health and safety-Mod/high-Favorable impactsHealth and safety
Gray, W., & Jones, C. (1991). Are OSHA health inspections effective? A longitudinal study in the manufacturing sector. Review of Economics & Statistics, 73(3), 504.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Compliance-Mod/high-Favorable impactsCompliance
ERG. (2004). Evaluation of OSHA’s impact on workplace injuries and illnesses in manufacturing using establishment-specific targeting of interventions: programmed inspections vs. high hazard notification letters. Final report. Lexington, MA: Author.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Health and safety-Low-Favorable impactsHealth and safety
Haviland, A., Burns, R., Gray, W., Ruder, T., & Mendeloff, J. (2010). What kinds of injuries do OSHA inspections prevent? Journal of Safety Research, 41(4), 339-345.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Health and safety-Low-Favorable impactsHealth and safety
Mendeloff, J., & Gray, W. (2005). Inside the black box: How do OSHA inspections lead to reductions in workplace injuries? Law and Policy, 27(2), 219-237.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Health and safety-Low-Favorable impactsHealth and safety
McCaffrey, D. (1983). An assessment of OSHA’s recent effects on injury rates. Journal of Human Resources, 18(1), 131-146.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Health and safety-Mod/high-No impactsHealth and safety
Viscusi, W. (1979). The impact of Occupational Safety and Health regulation. The Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 117–140.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Health and safety-Low-No impactsHealth and safety
Robertson, L., & Keeve, J. (1983). Worker injuries: The effects of Workers' Compensation and OSHA inspections. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 8(3), 581-597.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Employment-Low-Favorable impactsEmployment
- Health and safety-Low-Favorable impactsHealth and safety
Weil, D. (2001). Assessing OSHA performance: evidence from the construction industry. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 20(4), 651-74.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Compliance-Low-Favorable impactsCompliance
Ko, K., Mendeloff, J., & Gray, W. (2010). The role of inspection sequence in compliance with the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) standards: Interpretations and implications. Regulation and Governance, 4(1), 48-70.
Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:- Compliance-Low-Mixed impactsCompliance