New Reviews
CLEAR releases new summaries and synthesis reports throughout the year. Use the new reviews archive to find our past activities.
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- Jul21Coming soon: Compliance topic area to launch in September!
- Jun23CLEAR posted profiles of five implementation studies in the Disability Employment Policy topic area. Each of them corresponds to a causal study that received a high or moderate causal evidence rating and found favorable program impacts.
- Jun23CLEAR launches Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) topic area, which focuses on programs designed to foster success among women in STEM fields.
- Jun1Coming soon: Women in STEM topic area to launch this month!
- May15CLEAR posted 7 new profiles of studies in the Reemployment topic area.
- Apr24CLEAR posted 11 new profiles of studies in the Behavioral Finance: Retirement topic area. Stay tuned for the synthesis report, expected in July.
- Mar13CLEAR posted 9 new profiles in the Disability Employment Policy topic area.
- Jan30CLEAR launches Community College Bridge Programs topic area which examines the effectiveness of community college policies and programs that are intended to improve academic persistence, degree/certificate completion, and labor market outcomes of community college students
- Jan12CLEAR launches Unemployment Insurance Reemployment topic area, which focuses on interventions designed to promote faster reemployment of unemployment insurance (UI) claimants.
- Oct8CLEAR launches Behavioral Finance: Retirement topic area, which focuses on interventions grounded in insights from behavioral economics that may encourage employees to save more for retirement.