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New Reviews

CLEAR releases new summaries and synthesis reports throughout the year. Use the new reviews archive to find our past activities.

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  • Oct
    CLEAR launches Disability Employment Policy topic area, which focuses on programs that seek to improve labor market outcomes for youth and working-age adults with disabilities.
  • Jun
    New synthesis report looks at the evidence of effectiveness of Career Academies and finds they produced strong and sustained increases in students’ post-high school earnings, especially among young men.
  • Jun
    CLEAR launches a Career Academies topic area. Career Academies aim to make the high school experience more rigorous and career relevant by creating supportive learning communities.
  • Jun
    New synthesis report looks at the evidence of effectiveness of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program. The research provides strong evidence that NGYCP improves the educational and labor market outcomes of at-risk youth.
  • May
    Annalisa Mastri, Principal Investigator for the Department of Labor’s Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR), will be presenting at the WREC conference.
  • May
    New CLEAR synthesis report looks at the evidence on the effects of OSHA activities. According to the research, there is some evidence that OSHA inspections reduce injury rates.
  • Mar
    CLEAR launches Opportunities for Youth topic area to examine the research on interventions to provide opportunities for youth to improve their labor market outcomes.
  • Feb
    CLEAR launches OSHA Enforcement topic area, which focuses on research determining whether OSHA enforcement activities reduce the occurrence of workplace illnesses, injuries, exposure to hazards, and/or deaths.