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Other > Financial Literacy > Retirement planning
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Other > Financial Literacy > Retirement planning
Heinberg, A., Hung, A., Kapteyn, A., Lusardi, A., Samek, A. S., & Yoong, J. (2014). Five steps to planning success: Experimental evidence from US households. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 30(4), 697-724. [Video vs. Control]
Topic Area: Financial Literacy
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:
- Knowledge and skills for financial decision making-Low-Favorable impactsKnowledge and skills for financial decision making
Clark, R. L., Hammond, R. G., Morrill, M. S., & Khalaf, C. (2018). Informing retirement savings decisions: A field experiment on supplemental plans. Economic Inquiry, 57(1), 188–205. [Participants Sample]
Topic Area: Behavioral Finance: Retirement
Topic Area: Financial Literacy
Outcome Effectiveness:
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Clark, R. L., Hammond, R. G., Morrill, M. S., & Khalaf, C. (2019). Informing retirement savings decisions: A field experiment on supplemental plans. Economic Inquiry, 57(1), 188–205. [Nonparticipants Sample]
Topic Area: Behavioral Finance: Retirement
Topic Area: Financial Literacy
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:
- Knowledge and skills for financial decision making-Mod/high-No impactsKnowledge and skills for financial decision making
Bhargava, S., & Conell-Price, L. (2022). Serenity now, save later? Evidence on retirement savings puzzles from a 401(K) field experiment. [Low Saving Sample]
Topic Area: Behavioral Finance: Retirement
Topic Area: Financial Literacy
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:
- Knowledge and skills for financial decision making-Mod/High-Favorable impactsKnowledge and skills for financial decision making
Bhargava, S., & Conell-Price, L. (2022). SSerenity now, save later? Evidence on retirement savings puzzles from a 401(K) field experiment. [Moderate Saving Sample]
Topic Area: Behavioral Finance: Retirement
Topic Area: Financial Literacy
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:
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Samek, A., Kapteyn, A., & Gray, A. (2022). Using vignettes to improve understanding of Social Security and annuities. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 21(3), 326-343.
Topic Area: Behavioral Finance: Retirement
Topic Area: Financial Literacy
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:
- Knowledge and skills for financial decision making-Mod/High-Favorable impactsKnowledge and skills for financial decision making
Prawitz, A. D., & Cohart, J. (2014). Workplace financial education facilitates improvement in personal financial behaviors. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 25(1), 5-26.
Topic Area: Financial Literacy
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
Outcome Effectiveness:
- Knowledge and skills for financial decision making-Low-Favorable impactsKnowledge and skills for financial decision making
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